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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  December 31, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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up. >> a lot of mass transit on a holiday schedule on this new year's eve morning. bart even offering extended service tonight. we'll have much more on your traffic coming up. good morning, it's monday, december 31st. it's new year's eve. i'm mig. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is 5:01 now. 16 hours and counting. the fiscal negotiations are coming downright to the last hour. >> cbs reporter danielle nottingham joins us live from d.c. where the house is set to reconvene in just about an hour. good morning. reporter: vice president joe biden is in on the negotiations. mitch mcconnell asked him to help out after talks stalled. with hours to go it's hard to tell if lawmakers will be able to agree to a watered down
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deal. lawmakers left the capital sunday night without a deal in place. but leaders from both parties expressed their willingness to continue working. >> there's still significant difference between the two sides but negotiations continue. >> he want everyone to know i'm willing to get it done but i need a dance partner. >> reporter: some progress was made sunday when republicans dropped a proposal to slow social security growth but the main sticking point between democrats and republicans continues to be over the threshold of tax increases. president obama campaigned on raising taxes on income over $250,000. while many congressional republicans have pushed back against any tax increases. president obama is placing the blame for the impasse on the gop. >> they say that their biggest priority is making sure that we deal with the deficit in a serious way but the way they're behaving is that their only priority is making sure that tax breaks for the wealthiest americans are protected. >> reporter: but senators say there is some movement on the issue. >> there's a lot of give and
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take going on right now but republicans don't want to see new revenues -- in other words, democrat tax increases -- be used for new spending. >> reporter: the president said if there is no deal by the end of the day, the senate should draw up legislation to extend the bush-era tax cuts for the middle class. >> there should be an up-or- down vote. everybody should have a right to vote on that. if republicans doesn't like it they can vote no but i think there is a majority support to make sure that middle class families are held harmless. >> reporter: the senate will be back in session in just a few hours. and even if the senate is able to pass legislation today, it still has to get through the republican-controlled house. live on capitol hill, danielle nottingham, cbs 5. >> danielle, what happens if rego over the deadline. are we going to feel the effects next week or will it take time? >> reporter: it will probably take a few weeks.
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but what will happen immediately is tax increases for nearly all americans. we'll see millions lose some unemployment benefits. and that will also be those automatic spending cuts in the department of defense and other federal departments and also, there will be a concern with the financial market and consumer confidence. we have a real problem with the deficit in this country and people want to know that a deal will get done. consumers are not going to want to spend their money if they feel their taxes will go up. we'll see those effects over the next several weeks. and there's also a possibility that the new congress can pass a deal but it's just hard to tell what's going to happen. >> what will the senate do if the president can't come up with an agreement? >> well, the president has already said that if there is no agreement today, he will ask senate majority leader harry reid to bring to a vote his plan and that plan is to save those bush-era tax cuts for the middle class and also to save
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those unemployment benefits. he says he wants a straight "up" or "down" vote and if there are republicans who do not want this plan, they can vote no but he says the pickup has a right to know who is holding up tax breaks for the middle class. >> getting interesting. the market was down all five days last week although it was off christmas and lord knows it will go down if they don't get this thing figured out. danielle nottingham live in d.c., thank you. and remember, you can keep tabs on the "fiscal cliff" talks 24/7 by logging on to our website. a new health problem for secretary of state hillary clinton. she has a blood clot. she is in the hospital in new york this morning. the clot was discovered yesterday in a follow-up exam following the concussion she had this month. her spokesman says the clot is related to the concussion but is not saying exactly where that clot is located. she is being treated with anticoagulants and will stay in the hospital for the next couple of days. on the scene of developing
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news in san francisco this morning, cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran is in the excelsior district where a suspicious fire is under investigation. reporter: firefighters are calling it suspicious because of how quickly the flames spread. you can see now crews are still here. we heard reports that residents did admit to having an illegal marijuana grow operation but an arson team will be investigating the cause of this fire. two people were taken to the hospital for nonlife- threatening injuries. three residents are now homeless as a result of this fire. it started around 1:00 this morning at a home near athens and peru avenue. it quickly escalated and firefighters say they had to work fast to keep it from spreading. >> when we got here, the entire house was on fire. we were able to contain that and control it but the gas line also ruptured on us at the shutoff. so we were unable to shut it off. we had to call pg&e who brought
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in heavy equipment. >> reporter: pg&e crews are out here because of the gas rupture that the firefighter was talking about. it broke at the gas stop where firefighters normally turn it off so they had to call in pg&e to shut it off. back out here live at the scene, we understand that arson investigators and building inspectors are doing a preliminary investigation and again, the full blown investigation will continue whether or not that grow operation is confirmed or not. at this point when i asked the firefighter, he said it's all going to be -- it's base -- basically it's all under investigation at this point. reporting love in san francisco, cate caugiran, cbs 5. >> all right, cate, thank you. no word on the cause of a fire that killed three-family members in san jose. a couple and their 4-year-old granddaughter were trapped on the upper floor of their apartment. for family member was injured as was a police officer who help at the scene. the entire building was engulfed in flames by the time the fire department arrived. search is under way now for
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a murderer after a 15-year-old girl was shot to death at an east oakland housing complex around 3:40 yesterday afternoon at 66th avenue and lion way. police say it appears the victim was walking with a group of people when a lone gunman approached them and opened fire. a 14-year-old boy was shot and his injuries are not life- threatening. witnesses say the shooter appeared to be between the angles of 13 and 16. -- between the ages of 13 and 16 bringing oakland's homicide number to 160 this year, 20% more than last year. san francisco has a third increase over 2011. san jose's 45 is relatively low for a city of its size up 12.5% from last year. the numbers of drunk driving arrests and of fatal accidents are down this holiday weekend compared to last year. the chp reports on the first
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two days of the new year's weekend. the chp made 723 drunk driving arrests since friday night across the state, more than 200 fewer than last year. accidents killed nine people in california down from 12 in the sam period a year ago. local transit agencies are offering an alternative to driving tonight. caltrain will offer free rides after 11:00 tonight for passengers riding south from san francisco. muni will offer free rides from 8 p.m. until 6:00 toll morning. in san jose, in silicon valley, all vta bus and light rain will be free between 7 p.m. and 4 a.m. bart will extend its service until 3 a.m. but no free rides on bart. just beautiful. i always love watching that. the new year has just arrived. this is in sydney, australia. video from just a few minutes ago, you can see the celebration featured a
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fireworks display over the harbor bridge and opera house. the party now continues moving west across the globe ending tonight in the united states. >> looks like they got a beautiful night down under. we got some live pictures here still partying down there. >> they are still partying. look, the fireworks are still going. can you imagine being there watching those fireworks? beautiful, right. >> it would be nice. very nice. >> we are going to have some pretty good viewing right here in the bay area, too, apparently. >> i don't know if i can make it until midnight tonight. >> i don't think you're going to make it much past this show, michelle, the way you're going. >> 7:00 she will be like i have to go now, see you later! >> she is so sick, i feel bad for her. but we have some good news. we have better weather coming our way. couple of clouds making their way across our skies this morning. it's going to be a frosty start to the day around the interior valleys, clouds sweeping on by, temperatures dropping again. and well, we are in for a pretty decent end to 2012. i can't believe it's coming to a close but here we go. temperatures outside now on the chilly side. 31 and freezing now in concord.
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it is 35 in san jose. 31 in santa rosa and freezing. likely to see some frost showing up in those areas. by the afternoon going to epcot temperatures cool, as well. highs only expected to be in the upper 40s and the low 50s so a chilly day indeed and tonight, good news is it should stay dry. we'll have more on that forecast coming up in just a few minutes. right now let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> i'm just kicking back today. it's easy breezy morning commute so far. we're not expecting them to turn on the metering lights at the bay bridge. so far you can see traffic is extra light heading towards san francisco. looks like that all across the upper deck. mass transit, bart systemwide no delay. they are offering extra service later on tonight. ace train there is no service for new year's eve or new year's day. muni and golden gate ferry on typical weekend holiday schedule. bart service extended until 3 a.m. so here's a live look at some of our traffic sensors coming through the altamont pass and
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livermore. we put up one of those live drive time sensors through livermore. 63 miles per hour. looks good towards the dublin interchange. and i kind of made this wide view of the east bay so you can see how nicely things are flowing through the macarthur maze. that is traffic. back to you guys. >> and we thank you, liz. 5:12 now. call it the cost of convenience. the new ban going into effect tomorrow for one bay area city. >> plus they did it again. the 49ers lock up another nfc title. we have game highlights. >> first, caught on camera. how a bottle of vodka helped stop a robbery, coming your way. ,, [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts
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to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it can even be a game changer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. to make just about anything delicious. introducing new jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. whatever you put it on... reaches a whole new level of deliciousness. choosy moms choose jif.
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surveillance video from thuy shows the suspect motioninge he has a gun. he demands ca, uffs money into a store clerk in boston using a bottle of vodka to fight off a burglar. the suspect motioned like he had a gun and the clerk gave him the gun. another clerk attacks him with the bottle. both employees forced him out the door. police caught up with the suspect hours later, not clear if he ever had a gun but it's clear he probably has a headache. >> no kidding. we have seen this really often, clerks fighting back. i would just let them go. >> i don't know. resourceful. grab the bottle of vodka. here's a live look outside. if you are commuting today, there's not a lot of you out there but here's a live look
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towards the dublin interchange. things are flowing nicely from livermore through pleasanton. i'm not seeing any delay on basically any of our live traffic cameras so we'll show you a couple more. here's one across the san mateo bridge and you can see the volume is down considerably from this time of the morning. so both directions only about a 12-minute drive time between hayward and foster city. let's show you some of the live traffic sensors in the south bay. so 101 the guadalupe parkway, all still moving at top speeds. we checked in with caltrans earlier and there's not even a whole lot of roadwork out there so it is free and clear from antioch out towards pittsburg- bay point. we're monitoring to see if there's any accidents that pop up on our chp reports but so far since we have been on the air at 4:30 it's been quiet. here's a live look at the -- here's a live look at the nimitz heading towards the oakland coliseum no delay past the macarthur maze. coming up a check of mass transit. in the meantime, everyone is watching the new year's eve forecast hoping for no rain. with more on that, here's lawrence.
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>> i think it would work out okay if we get through big chill this morning. a lot of cold temperatures showing up outside, freezing temperatures in am so of the valleys. a couple of passing clouds warming the temperatures up slightly for a bit. now the although you said are moving out and the temperatures are dropping again below freezing in am so of the interior valleys. if you are heading out the door this morning, expect widespread frost inland, this afternoon sunny with a few clouds. mostly dry start to the new year. one exception toward the end of the week we may get back to some rain. high pressure holding on. this cold front diving in toward the bay area most of the energy though off the cost. and so we are going to see a few passing clouds but staying mostly dry and cool. around the state, though, dry weather. 50s into the central valley. high country looking good, though be prepared chilly temperatures only 31 degrees in lake tahoe after an overnight low of 5 degrees below zero. so chilly in the high country. the latest forecast model shows you the system passing toward
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the bay area, a few more clouds. but that moves harmlessly through our skies toward the afternoon. then dries things out toward new year's eve and new year's day. looks like we'll keep a dry day on tap for the bay area a couple of passing clouds. temperatures cool for today. high only about 52 in fremont, 53 degrees in san jose, 51 in pacifica, east bay numbers up only into the upper 40s and the low 50s. and it will stay cool inside the bay if you are headed there, 52 degrees in oakland and 51 degrees in san francisco. next couple of days as we look toward 2013 fairly dry just a couple of passing clouds then maybe back to some showers toward late friday and into saturday. that's a look at the weather. back to you. >> thank you. the body of mass murderer adam lanza has reportedly been claimed for burial. lanza was the gunman who opened fire this month at an elementary school in newtown, connecticut. he then committed suicide. the "new york times" says the state medical examiner did not reveal who claimed lanza's body. lanza reportedly lived with his
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mother, who was killed by him just before the school shooting nine people are dead and more than two dozen others are injured after a tour bus plunged down an em bankment in eastern oregon. state police say the bus crashed through a guardrail on i-84 near pendleton yesterday morning before it fell 100 feet. that stretch of the freeway was covered with snow and ice at the time. 5:19 now. police think the driver that crashed into a concord funeral home was involved in a street race over the weekends. a 16-year-old was behind the wheel of this 1974 chevy nova. police say the teen was going well over the 40-mile-an-hour speed limit. apparently racing another 16- year-old. the service had just begun when the car crashed into the ouimet brothers funeral chapel. >> five seconds after we entered the side room we saw the car come through the front of the building. there was nobody there. i am very grateful to the
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priest for ushering everybody in. >> two teens in a car and one man in the funeral home were injured. so far, nobody has been arrested. alameda county is about to do away with free plastic bags at the grocery store. the ban takes effect with the new year. it applies to alameda county's unincorporated areas and all of its cities. stores will no longer be able to give customers one-time use plastic bags. options include paying 10 cents for a paper bag or carrying your own bag. i always forget to put them back in my trunk after i use them. >> i know. >> even though i have a bunch at home. >> i'll buy 3 more, please. >> always forget. bouncing back from a rocky 1st quarter. big win for the 9ers at candlestick park. >> the broncos blast past the chiefs. the fantastic catch that's earned our play of the day. ,,,,,,,,,,
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[ mrs. hutchison ] friday night has always been all fun and games here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. and for a delicious way to help maintain a healthy weight, try new purina cat chow healthy weight.
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good morning. you won't have a lot of company on the roads if you are heading to work this morning. here's a live look at the golden gate bridge, the bay bridge and the 580 commute for the dublin-pleasanton area. we'll have much more "timesaver traffic" plus a check of mass transit coming up in a few minutes. all right, elizabeth, thank you. it's on to the play-offs for the san francisco 49ers.
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>> indeed it is. it wasn't easy though because the 9ers fell behind to the arizona cardinals. colin kaepernick connects with michael crabtree to get the 9ers on the board and they go up by 1. not done yet. go to the 3rd, another kaepernick-crabtree touchdown and then frank gore gets into the act. he'll score in the 4th quarter his 51st rushing touchdown. career record for the 9ers who are now off to the play-offs. >> the western division champions, that means a lot to us and to our players. and i congratulate them for getting that done. >> 9ers beat the cardinals 27- 13 and get a first round biand will host the next round right at candlestick park in a couple of weeks play of the day from the nfl. the denver broncos' peyton manning with a pass to the end zone, receiver demaryius thomas will go midair himself hauling in a great catch. do you want to get in on this? >> i totally do. i just want to watch it. look at that!
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i could watch that five times over. >> and he scored a trifecta, the touchdown. the win over kc and the coveted cbs 5 play of the day and you get to. what the broncos. >> i know. i never get to watch them out here. >> they are the team to beat. there are hot right now. >> we'll see how far they get. 5:25. scary moments on a christmas day sledding trip. >> how a rescue attempt on a frozen lake nearly turned into a disaster for a number of the rescuers. it's all coming up. >> and deadline day with the "fiscal cliff" just around the corner. why congress still can't close the deal. >> reporter: and we're live in san francisco, where firefighters are calling a house fire in the excelsior district suspicious. we'll tell you why and what may be behind the cause. ,,,, ,,
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it seems our angels have been busy building a new,
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stronger angel soft®. it's built with two softshield™ layers. stronger, holds up better, and still a value you love. new angel soft®. now stronger than ever. dance class, shopping, and more. so do something nice for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. house fire in san >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald
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arson investigators looking into a house fire here in san francisco. what made things so dangerous for the firefighters. >> skies clearing out very chilly around the bay area. will it rain on new year's eve? we'll talk about that coming up. >> and bart is offering extended service later on tonight for the new year's eve holiday. a check on that plus the rest of your morning commute. good morning, everyone. it's monday, december 31st new year's eve. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. we begin with some developing news at 5:30 from san francisco. pg&e is now on the scene of a very suspicious house fire. >> cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran is live where a gas line ruptured while crews were putting out the flames. good morning, cate. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. yes, the cause of that house fire is still under investigation. but we're hearing reports that the homeowners did admit to having an illegal marijuana grow operation. this fire did start in a home near athens street and peru
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avenue just before 1:00 this morning. the fire quickly spread through the home and firefighters worked against the clock to keep it from spreading to neighboring buildings. >> what we have here is the entire house is on fire. we were able to contain that and control it but the gas line also ruptured on us at the shutoff. so we were unability shut it off. we had to call pg&e who brought in their heavy? >> reporter: now, that major challenge again like that firefighter mentioned was that gas rupture causing programs that to shoot up to 10 feet high. but firefighters say they were able to get it under control after they called pg&e to come shut it of o pg&e says it was the fire that caused the gas line to rupture. the house was completely contained at around 2:13 this morning. we know that three people have been business placed -- three people have been displace the as a result of this fire and two people were taken to the hospital for nonlife- threatening injuries.
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cate caugiran, cbs 5. a couple and their 4-year- old granddaughter were killed in a weekend fire in west san jose. firefighters arrived within machines to the two-story townhouse on bridgeport court but the building was engulfed in flames. for family member was reported to be i intensive care. two other people suffered smoke inhalation including a san jose police officer. the search is on for the killer of a 15-year-old girl who was shot an east oakland housing complex yesterday afternoon at 66th avenue and lion way. police say it appears the victim was walking with a group of people when a gunman opened fire. a 14-year-old boy was also shot but his injuries are not considered life-threatening. witnesses told police the shooter appeared to be between the ages of 13 and 16. it brings oakland's homicide total to 131 for the year on this final day of 2012. that's a 27% increase from last year. san francisco has 6:murders --
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67 murders for the year, a one- third increase over 2011. san jose's 45 is relatively low for a city of almost a million people, but it's still 12.5% higher than last year. 5:32 now. secretary of state hillary clinton under observation at a new york hospital this morning because of a broad clot. her doctors discovered the clot yesterday in a follow-up exam following a concussion she had suffered earlier in the month. her spokesman says the clot is related to the concussion. but he is not saying exactly where the clot is located. she being treated now with anticoagulants and will stay in the hospital for the next few days. the deadline is now just 15.5 hours away for the nation's lawmakers to reach some kind of compromise to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff." this is a live picture of the u.s. capital right now where the house is set to reconvene less than a half hour from now. but there are questions about how much progress can be made. andrew spencer has more on why the process steams have stalled
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-- seeps to have stalled. >> if there is an ultimate compromise, there will be parts of it that i find disgusting and reprehensible which i may have to swallow in the name of finding compromise. >> reporter: a rare sunday session on capitol hill. >> the senate will come to order. >> reporter: as lawmakers work on a voiding the so-called "fiscal cliff." talks briefly hit a, quote, major setback on sunday over social security benefits according to a democratic source. but both sides agree to push forward. >> i want everyone to know i'm willing to get this done. but i need a dance partner. >> reporter: vice president joe biden is apparently that person for senate minority leader mitch much. top level sources say the two are taking over talks. if nothing is resolved by midnight tax rates for all americans will increase. democrats say it means about $2,000 for the average middle class family. >> one mom said to me in michigan, that's four months groceries. that's commuting back and forth to work in gas for up to three years. that's a lot of money. >> reporter: democrats want higher taxes on families earning $250,000 a year and
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over. republicans want tax rates to stay where they are. taxes seem to be the biggest obstacle to a compromise. but others want to see government spending put in check. >> the president is doing nothing about the addiction of his administration he has to spending. he is the "spender-in-chief." >> reporter: president obama says he is willing to do that. >> i offered over a trillion dollars in additional spending cuts so that we would have $2 of spending cuts for every $1 of increased revenue. >> the senate stands in recess. >> reporter: the senate reconvenes at 11 a.m. so as americans celebrate the beginning of 2013, they may wake up wishing it were 2012 when they had more money in their pockets. i'm andrew spencer reporting. just to clarify, the mid into the deadline is 9:00 our time. if the deadline comes and goes, there could still be some wiggle room if the president and lawmakers appear to be working toward an agreement. the tax hikes and spending cuts could be held at bay for a few weeks, then could be repealed retroactively once the deal is
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reached. you can keep tabs on the fiscal talks anytime by logging on to our website, congressional leaders did show yesterday they are able to compromise. top republicans and democrats announced they reached a deal to extend the 2008 farm bill for at least a year. tom vilsack says if an agreement had not been reached, milk prices could have skyrocketed to as much as $7 a gallon. they got one thing done. yeah. 5:35. the chp will be out in force tonight cracking down on new year's eve partiers. for the first two days of the weekend arrests are down compared toes laker. >> the chp made 723 drunk driving arrests since friday night across the state more than 200 fewer than last year. accidents killed nine people in california down from 12 the same period a year ago. local transit agencies are offering an alternative to
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driving tonight if you are going tout to party. caltrain will offer free rides after 11:00 to passengers riding south from san francisco. muni will offer fro rides from 8 p.m. until 6:00 tomorrow morning. and san jose and the sillle is all vta buses and light -- and the silicon valley all vta buses and light rain will be free from 7 p.m. to 4 am a. bart extends service until 3 a.m. but no free rides. you have to buy a ticket. >> yes. it's 5:36. it's cold out there this morning. but will it be like that for new year's eve? lots of leads will be out in their nice dresses. >> bring a coat! it will be chilly. no umbrella. looks look it will stay dry. outside now a few passing clouds beginning to sneak through and the temperatures beginning to drop a little bit more. but a few more clouds off the coastline. i think those pay a visit throughout the day today. so not a bad new year's eve. i think we'll stay dry outside. but temperatures cold in spots especially in the valleys. you will find frost there. 31 degrees right now in concord. it is now 30 in santa rosa.
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35 in san jose. and 42 degrees in san francisco. around the bay today, not a bad day. some sunshine and a mix of passing clouds. cool, highs in the 40s and 50s. new year's eve looks dry but we could see some rain toward the end of the week. we'll have more on that in a moment. right now let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> going to work, there won't be very many people on the roads. we're not seeing major delays anywhere. here's a live look at the south bay's 101 near the trimble exit. you can see a few headlights there. both directions into and out of san jose looking good. a wide other view a map of the area, so far 101, 280 and the guadalupe parkway are still all moving at top speeds. we have not seen a delay in any of our major drive times so far this morning. here's a live look at the nimitz. we have not seen any major incidents on our chp reports this morning. caltrans no major roadwork as well on this new year's eve morning, as well.
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there is a live look traffic heading into san francisco. mass transit no ace train today or tomorrow. bart systemwide on time and muni and ferries are both on a holiday schedule. if you want to hit the town tonight, bart service is extended until 3 a.m. back to you guys. police say a street race may have led to a car crashing into a funeral home in concord. a 16-year-old was behind the wheel of a 74 chevy nova. police say the teen was going well over the 40-mile-an-hour speed limit in the area. apparently he was racing another 16-year-old. the service was just beginning when that car crashed into the ouimet brothers funeral chapel. >> literally five seconds after i had entered the side room we heard what we thought was an earthquake and turned around and saw the car careen through the front of the building. luckily, there was nobody there. i am very great of to the priest -- i am very grateful to the priest for ushering everybody in.
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>> two teens in the car and one person in the funeral home were injured but no arrests so far. there is a move to make a dangerous san francisco intersection safer for bike riders. the head of the city's bicycle advisory committee is suggesting a change at 12th and market street. "the examiner" reports that he wants to have a button added to the signal system for bike riders. they could press it and get the signal to turn green for them. in other bay area headlines, the oakland airport connector is now about 65% finished. crews have installed a long line of concrete columns along the median of hegenberger road by the following 2014 driverless three-car trains will move passengers between the coliseum, bart station, and the airport. workers are still installing steel tressels as well as stations and maintenance center. one of the bay area's ritziest mansions and surrounding property has been sold. the home on marin county's
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belvidere island was to be auctioned off sunday but the developer instead accepted an offer from a buyer. the 7 bedroom home covers more than 15,000 acres. we were just talking about this on friday. >> is that where you were friday afternoon. it's already sold. the deck is 5,000 square feet. >> up on the hill. >> we need to make friends with the buyer. it is 5:40. they rushed to the ice to save a man then started falling in like dominos themselves. a very chaotic rescue on a frozen lake here in california. >> and we still have hours left of 2012. how some countries around the world are already ringing in the new year. ♪
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nearly a dozen people lande icy waters in the mountainsf los angeles county... this video taken at pretty scary. check out this daring rescue. nearly a dozen people landed in the icy waters in the mountains in l.a. county in southern california. some cell phone video taken at jackson lake a little south of lancaster. a couple witnessed the person falling through the thin ice after sledding down the hill right on to that lake. >> it was hard to watch. it really was. we saw that guy go under three times and the third time we didn't think he was coming back up. >> he did, though. people tried to help, only to find themselves falling into the frigid waters, as well. everyone in the water was eventually pulled out with a rope and this is in l.a. county. so they are probably not too
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experienced in that lake. apparently not thick enough. >> you said that happened to you and your brother when were you younger. >> my brother walked out on the ice and fell through and i went out to save him. when i grabbed him happened -- >> mom and dad watching from a restaurant nearby in total shock. >> what were they doing! >> glad you're here. >> thank you so much. [ laughter ] it's a chilly start to the day frost in the valleys. we have passing clouds overnight. the temperature went up a little bit as those moved through but they are going on by now so the numbers are falling once again so it's a chilly start to the day if you are heading out. mostly sunny, a couple of passing clouds into the afternoon with some cooler temperatures and then mostly dry looks like new year's eve and better dry new year's week. sunshine around the bay area for today, a couple of clouds over the top of this ridge. we're looking good but the temperatures are still going to stay cool. not only here but around the state. speaking of cool, 31 the expected high in lake tahoe. of course, just tons of snow up there. overnight lows getting down to minus 5. so pack your warm clothes if you are heading there. 54 degrees expected high with
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sunshine in the monterey bay. futurecast model showing you a few clouds drifting in our direction root over the top of that ridge. and that's what we're going to see as we head in toward the afternoon. a lot of sunshine and dry weather in behind that. so your new year's eve isk looking good. you want to head out to check out the fireworks should be great weather. i think temperature-wise numbers expected only to be in the 50s into the south bay, low 50s out toward the coastline, upper 40s and low 50s in some of the interior valleys and inside the bay temperatures cool, generally in the 40s and 50s. next couple of days should stay mainly dry just a couple of passing clouds as we head through the better part of this ek we. late friday night into saturday a chance of rain making a return to the bay area. but if you do plan to head out tonight, check out the fireworks. it should be good viewing, partly cloudy, dress warmly, it is going to be chilly. temperatures into the 40s. let's check the roads now with elizabeth. >> okay, thank you, lawrence. we actually have a new problem developing on the bay bridge. sounds like it's just past treasure island. two lanes are blocked because of a crash. that's westbound 80 -- 80 past
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treasure island. several lanes blocked. chp heading to the scene. obviously, there's no delay getting there, the volume of traffic is light on new year's eve morning. live look at the san mateo bridge, no problems here. no delay in either direction. complete bridge check for you, here's another bridge, the golden gate bridge traffic is flowing nicely all morning heading into san francisco. not a lot of roadwork out there as well and once again bart service extended until 3:00 this morning. usually it wraps up shortly after midnight. so systemwide right now bart is on time on a regular weekday schedule by the way. ace train no service and muni, caltrain and vta in the south bay all offering free rides later on tonight. that is traffic. back to you guys. >> thank you. 5:46 now. u.s. stock futures rose ahead of the opening bell today. >> the last session of the year starts in just about 45 minutes. ashley morrison of joins us now. good morning, ashley.
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>> she's back. >> reporter: yes, i am back, everyone. happy new year and good morning, frank and michelle. well, strong manufacturing growth in china fueled most markets there. the shanghai composite gained more than 1 1/2 hong kong's hang seng lost a fraction and tokyo's nikkei was closed for the holiday. today is the last trading day of the year on wall street. on friday, the markets closed lower as investors keep a close eye on the "fiscal cliff" negotiations. the dow plunged 158 points falling below the 13,000 mark while the nasdaq dropped 25 points. ford motors had another banner year. the automaker says they sold 2.2 million vehicles here in the u.s. in 2012. that's up from 2.1 million last year. the ford focus is their most popular model. this is the second year in a row ford has topped 2 million in sales. the only u.s. company to do that. and there may not be many happy returns this year especially if you don't have
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your receipt. the national retail federation says $63 billion worth of presents will be taken back to the stores. that is a lot of unhappy people. receipts could be critical in making a return because many stores are tightening the rules on refunds and exchanges. so if you got one of those ugly holiday sweaters, hopefully it came with a gift receipt. you know? >> absolutely. i understand the struggling economy might put a damper on tonight's new year's eve celebrations, right? >> reporter: that is right. even the wealthiest are scaling back. a survey of millionaires found 87% plan to spend less than $200 on new year's eve. 3% say they do not plan to party at all. so a lot of cheap champagne will be drunk i guess tonight but then again, after a few glasses, it all tastes the same, right? >> i have sparkling cider on ice for tonight. >> she is on the dl. she has a little bit of a cold. >> a little bit. >> she will be in bed at 9:00.
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>> reporter: sounds good! >> ashley morrison of, thank you. happy new year. >> happy new year. check it out. the new year has already arrived in new zealand and australia. at 3:00 this morning our time, fireworks went off from the auckland sky tower in new zealand. then at 5 a.m. pacific, there was an even more spectacular display over the harbor bridge and opera house in sydney. the party is now moving west around the world. take a look. i always love sydney's fee, displays. >> we always get to see them early. >> yes. in times square it's a celebration before the celebration. >> it is kind of funny. crews tested a crucial piece of the party, you see it flying there, of course, the confetti. the annual airworthiness test. you will be happy to know it passed. it's all made by hand and strategically placed to flow with the wind. they do it right in new york.
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don't forget about the famed new year's eve ball in times square. crews sent it on a dry run yesterday to make sure it worked properly. more than 32,000 l.e.d.s covered 3,000 waterford crystals sparkling during the countdown tonight 2013 in times square. time now 5:50. call them the dirty dozen. the list of words some want to ban from the english language. >> a new reality for kanye west and his girlfriend kim kardashian. they are latest "collaboration" coming up. greeting lucky charms?! ♪ yer always after me lucky charms!
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whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious now all general mills big g kid cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient in cereals like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch, the delicious way to help them grow up strong. with a new project in mind, some how-to knowledge to give us an new years clutter is no match for someone with big ideas. edge, and more savings down every aisle.
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it only takes a few twists and turns for those bright ideas to make the new year even brighter. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. start fresh and save with hdx 20 gallon totes, a special buy at just $5.88 a piece.
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tonight should be a good new year's eve for the revelers. temperatures chilly and 40s and low 50s. >> that didn't take long. we already cleared an accident on the upper deck of the bay bridge. never caused any huge delays. so far, so good heading into san francisco crossing the bay bridge or the golden gate. san mateo bridge also moving at the limit. much more "timesaver traffic" coming up. ♪ amazing grace how sweet the sound ♪ >> the sweet sounds of the oakridge boys a get well greeting for president george h.w. bush who remains in a houston hospital. the legendary country group sang by phone to the 41st president at the request of former first lady barbara bush. mr. bush is being treated for several conditions but was moved out of the intensive care unit saturday after his health improved. >> i thought he was more of a dave matthews guy.
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>> he got out of intensive care unit. 5:53. 150 years after its signing the public is getting a look at the emancipation proclamation. the document aimed at freeing slaves went into effect january 1, 1863 nearly 100 years ago. it will go on public display at the national archives in washington, d.c. tomorrow. when it was exhibited in michigan last year people waited up to eight hours to get a glimpse. final print edition of "newsweek" is now on newsstands, it is now online only. "newsweek" was first published back in 1933 and became the second largest weekly news magazine. a sign of the times. you know those annoying words and phrases you keep hearing from friends and the media? >> yeah. the media. we are about to give you the worst of the worst from the 38th annual list put out by lake superior state university. here's some of the words and the phrase that is should be
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banned in 2013. "fiscal cliff." >> gone. >> we're tired of that. >> spoiler alert. trending. that's going to be around for a while. super food. and boneless wings. >> how did that sneak in? >> kim kardashian's next bill role mom. >> she is going to have a baby with her boyfriend kanye west. he announced it yesterday. they have been dating for 8 months. members of her family are tweeting the news. however, kardashian is still married to nba player kris humphries of the nets although she filed for divorce a year ago. >> probably going to be a beautiful baby and good singer. 5:55. in the next half hour, united passengers shaken up. the scare in the sky that forced an emergency landing. >> and the cliff clock is teck
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ticking. taxes set to go up for millions of americans, the last minute effort to strike a deal in washington. we're live in san francisco's excelsior district where arson investigators will be looking into a fire they call suspicious. we'll tell you the major challenge that crews had to face in battling the flames. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. we're live in san francisco, where arson investigators will be looking into what firefighters call a suspicious fire. what made things dangerous for crews. we'll tell you. >> and 15 hours until congress steps off the "fiscal cliff." a final push to reach a deal before the midnight deadline. >> jack frost showing up in some of the valleys very chilly start to the day. will we see some rain for new year's eve? we'll talk about that coming up. >> and no major hot spots at all in any bay area roads. here's a live look at 101 in san jose. mass transit offering free rides for the holiday, we'll
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tell you which once coming up. good morning. it's monday, new year's eve, happy early new year's to you folks. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now is 6:00. we're on the scene of developing news in san francisco this morning. >> we are. cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran is in the excelsior district where a gas line gave firefighters a little bit of trouble this morning. she joins us with the latest now. good morning, cate. >> reporter: good morning, frank. on top of that, firefighters are calling this house fire suspicious just because of how quickly it spread but again we don't know what caused it. an arson team will be investigating today. we know that two people were taken to the hospital for nonlife-threatening injuries and three residents are homeless as a result of the fire. it started around 1:00 this morning at a home near athens and peru avenue. it quickly escalated and fire every first say -- and firefighters said they had to work fast to keep it from spreading. >> we were unable to shut it off because it was at the shutoff. there's one inside the house, one in the street. and the one in the street tha


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